Sportscoach UK have just released a bunch of “fact sheets” about coaching female athletes and developing female coaches. They are of course in reference to all sports, but there’s plenty that can be applied to paddling. If you are interested in improving your coaching of female paddlers then check them out. And if you only read one, make it the Myth Buster: anyone recognise this?
Female athletes lack confidence
Low confidence is often more pronounced in female athletes. Women tend not to give themselves enough credit and are likely to put good performances and success down to luck rather than talent and hard work. Women’s confidence levels are also influenced far more by the opinions of those around them.
Female athletes might reflect their concerns both verbally and through their body language. Coaches can use this as an indicator that their athletes need ‘a boost’ and some words of encouragement to help build their confidence.
We do a lot of coaching with female paddlers and know how true each of the busted myths can be. Don’t be fooled though – not all women are the same and all coaching should be individualised! These fact sheets just provide food for thought on how best to structure and approach the coaching of females.
We are lucky enough to have some of the World’s best female paddlers and coaches. Sadly top female coaches are quite rare in sports, but even more so in a male dominated sport such as kayaking. We have found that a mixed staff team allows our coaches to learn a lot from each other’s coaching styles and tactics to become better at coaching paddlers of all ages, genders and backgrounds.
Low numbers of women coaching in the highest echelons of sport inevitably means fewer role models for up-and-coming female coaches.
We hope that our female coaches provide good, strong role models for female paddlers and coaches alike. If you’re a coach who wants advice on coaching women more effectively or a female coach who would like advice on progressing with your coaching, please feel free to get in touch.
Our next female-only course is on March 26th. For more info click here.